​Sjakkets social pedagogic daytime offer

​​The social pedagogic daytime offer provided by Sjakket adresses young between 11 to 17 years.

The daytime offer is tailor-made for those young, that cannot function in the established school-offers, including both the danish public school as well as alternative schools. Our way is to create other educational frameworks than what the young previously have been used to. All in all it is about strenghtening the young, their self-esteem and self-confidence in a positive manner, where the essence is, gaining success as opposed to negative past experiences. These successes are defined on a day-to-day basis and on overall goals such as 9th grade final examination. In general, our internal offer haven't got to do with preventive efforts, but are instead an education and repairing of the young, where we seek to give them the tools to return to society with better possibilities at hand. The young that have ended up here with Sjakkets daytime offer, have different backgrounds and different reasons, for slipping out of the established offers.

The definition of their problems is:

· Lack of success and positive experiences in school auspices.

· Lack of insight and relation from parents.

· Lack of positive communication with, and understanding of the adults, which they have met in the public system.

· Seeks success through small-scale crime and streetlife in general.

· Due to the creation of self-esteem and safety, they're easy victims to the established criminal environments.

· Creates group-safety with those other young, that feels as bad as themselves.

In our work, we try to brake the downward going spiral, which the young has come to be in (se above). Our considerations towards the pedagogical frames for the young consists of:

· The pedagogy is the backspine of the teaching, hence there's allways a social-worker present in the classroom, so that the teacher solely relates to the professional issue of teaching. This, we do in order to get rid of the image and those memories that the young carry with them from their previous school attendance, marked by conflicts with the teachers.

· Focus on the positive sides in the young, which we observe and try to support for a healthier self-esteem.

· Paying allowance, as a pedagogical tool, which has two functions – as a carrot and stick approach. Simultaneously, it serves as a kind of crime-preventing precaution, since it no longer becomes necessary for them to engage in crime in order to acquire the objects they need and wish for. In this manner, we close the gates for them to become easy victims for criminal environments.

· To maintain and create a positive relationship between youth and parents, that is to invite and inform the parents frequently about the positive experiences we have with their young. We try to remove the negative image, which they have been given of their child. We try to create a healthier relation between the parents and the young among others by compliance with the agreements being entered.

· Organise tours when the young have proven themselves over a longer period, and excursions which have a professional and educational purpose to strengthen the professional school attendance.

· Normalize and structure their everyday in relation to steady meeting times and meals, which is why they recieve breakfast and lunch every day.

· We have an associated carreers teacher to our daytime offer, whom is able to follow the young until the age of 19.

Our experiences from the last 8 years of teaching young, as a part of our daytime offer, has taught us that the 15-year-olds which start with us, professionally and socially speaking corresponds to the levels of a 10-11 years old. Hence, it is necessary for both schools and social centres quickly to react when they observe the young that cannot comply with the frameworks of the public school system, and even before the young begins to experience negative successes as a substitute to the absence they have in their everyday school auspices. Therefore, we have chosen to lower our target group for the school to 11 years-old, where we're able to meet and reach them before it's too late.

The external offer

Sjakkets preventive work in Mjølnerparken for the youth between 6-18 years and their parents under the name of Integration Through Education.

We've created a very targeted, useful and sensible after school-offer with the pedagogical considerations to maintain a positive and successful future for the youth, which live in the exposed areas, ghettoes in the common tongue. These have a high concentration of youth lacking possibilities, including after school-offers for the youth.

The goal of Sjakkets work is and has been:

1. Create after school activities. Create good after school possibilities for the youth inside and outside of Mjølnerparken. Create safe boundaries with a possibility for good contacts to adults.

2. Open guidance, both individually and for groups. Guidance is given related to personal issues, education, work, family, democratic rules etc.

3. We teach the youth to believe in themselves, take notice of their surroundings and be open to make use of the possibilities at hand.

4. Strengthen and maintain the youth in their school attendancy and education with various means. Therefore, we established spelling-software on the computers, as a play equipment for kids from 0th to 3rd grade every day from 2-4 p.m. According to the reports we've recieved from the schools, it has had some success.

5. Girls in focus. There's a great probability for girls from exposed areas to become isolated and not to recieve the actual school and after school-offers on account of their gender. With consent from the parents we've intentionally chosen to target and establish the possibilities for girls, thereby making it possible for them to participate and recieve the same offers and possibilities as boys.

6. In order for the youth to learn the concept of 'no sweet without sweat', we arrange tours for them after they've proven themselves to be well-deserved. In other words, we can observe that they don't take these tours for granted but have shown a great effort, i.e. good behaviour, being careful of each other and take care of their school

7. Regarding to our pedagogical considerations, part-time jobs are a necessity being a part of a whole-offer. Hence, we make contracts with the young in accordance with the above-mentioned principle. We hire them in a part-time job in the main building of Sjakket. At present 10 young are hired from 1st of march 2008. The intention in the part-time job is to support parents on welfare, to withhold them from criminality, maintain their education as well as improve their self-esteem by earning their own money.

8. Ensure, that the youth practice sports in Sjakkets premises at least three times a week. Our new premises provides possibilities to offer the youth diverse branches of sport, among other things badminton, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, Danish, martial arts etc. Determinately, we work on that the youth of Mjølnerparken, whom actively participate in the sport activities, are made up of both boys and girls.

​9. In cooporation with the Project Guidancy, we've helped some high spirited/ sporting role models in establishing an association, in where the youth can join and be a part of the sports-associational life. For instance Hasan Al, former world champion of boxing. In order to strengthen the democratic proces and the democratic institutions with the youth it is necessary to strengthen and establish these kind of associations, which can accommodate those young from exposed areas. This membership holds the youth responsible and makes the sports-associational life to be part of their upbringing.

10. Actively involve the parents in the everyday of the youth, among other things as volunteers at events. The necessity of a holistic effort in exposed residential areas to maintain the development and pedagogical overall goal demands interaction, accept and understanding from the parents. We've succeeded in establishing the channel and the relationship of trust, in order for parents to send off their children to activities and feel as a part of the progress, among other things at the grand out of town tours and camps where as much as 40 parents participate as volunteers.

11. In order to learn and implement one of the basic principles of democracy, to respect those whom you disagree with and to help those weaker than yourself. Through controversial discussions that create disagreements, we try to teach them to respect the opinions of others. Here, our staff members play a guiding and shaping role. They step in as a positive role model, when the situation requires so. At the same time, we deliberately use communication and conflict resolution. We teach the young how to handle conflicts, for instance we use older kids to help solving problems among younger groups. We also mediate and conflict resolute between the young and their parents. We actively use social workers in order to motivate the parents to participate by maintaining good contact to the school and the schooling of their kid. We maintain and implement the ideas of how the school system and the parents can be put in a dialogue before it is too late, for instance by using the social workers as bridge-builders, and (for the schools) make a tradition of frequently inviting the parents to interviews. Not necessarily because things are going badly. Quite the reverse, for creating a positive and confidential co-operation between the two parties and for the young: The understanding of the active role that the parents have in their schooling. In this manner, it is necessary that the schools co-operate with those social workers who know the youth and their parents, in order to build bridges and create a contact for a positive and constructive future.

12. We deliberately use the high spirited role models in the local area, who know about the children and their families. In the ethnic culture they're called 'The Uncles'. In their country of origin the children are brought up collectively and on a street level and the uncles have a greater insight and contact with the everyday of the children and the youth. Often, children and the youth are more open to the Uncles than their parents. The success for us has been in using the local fiery souls and teach them tools of pedagogy in order to implement their role in the local society. Besides from being social workers and Uncles, they also function as cultural providers being able to eliminate misunderstandings among the children and the youth, which doesn't have the rightful insight in neither their parents cultural background nor the Danish society. This has given good results regarding social and preventive efforts. At the same time, it has opened up for and gained the relationship of trust within the most traditional of the families, so now they dare sending their girls and boys to activities and to the club.

Besides our own activities that we provide, we co-operate with different parties about the youth to strengthen the processes we initiate. Regarding our club-premises, we co-operate with Lejerbo and the housing association. In order to strengthen the schooling by more than spelling-software, we co-operate with Mjønerparken Networkgroup of Danish Refugee Council, that stands for a homework assistance café. They put volunteer students at dispose 4 times a week for the youth from 1st to 9th grade and from upper secondary school. Regarding summer-school activities we co-operate with the School of Rådmandsgade, the Project Guidancy and different sports-associations etc.

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